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Invitation to participate in meetings /informational activities of the Zero Waste Center in Thessaloniki

Zero Waste living principles and philosophy now have their place in Thessaloniki.

The Zero Waste Center created by “ANTIGONE – Center Information and Documentation on Racism, Ecology, Peace and “Non-Violence” (ANTIGONE)” at 29A Ptolemaion Street, 6th floor, opened its gates in November and becomes the hub of cooperation between local authorities and civil society organizations in adopting sustainable practices in managing everyday issues.

The creation of the Zero Waste Center in Thessaloniki, comes as a response to what we have gained from the implementation of the Zero Waste BSB program and mainly from the research carried out for the ZeroWaste Strategy at International, European and National Level, but also from the experiential cleaning activities in more than 5 sites of the city.

All of the above showed us that in the context of a zero waste management, the environmental footprint can be reduced and the social footprint can be increased when the active participation of citizens and the actions taken by the local government complement each other. You can see briefly HERE the results from the implementation of the ZeroWaste BSB project so far.

Meetings at the Zero Waste Center are set by appointment to avoid overcrowding and to comply with COVID-19 protection measures. If you or your organization are interested in participating in any of the following actions, please complete HERE the participation form and a representative will be contacting you to set up an appointment or schedule a meeting.

The activities that will be initially implemented include:

1) Round tables for highlighting problems and joining forces between local authorities and civil society for immediate solutions

2) Workshops on waste reduction, reusing, recycling, etc. for
businesses, competent authorities, citizens, civil society organizations, etc.

3) Collaborative meetings between organizations and other partners implementing Zero Waste oriented projects


4) Awareness activities for the general public such as screenings of documentaries and films with environmental content.

Participation in all Zero Waste Center activities is free.


The Zero waste center is implemented within the project: “Zero Waste Strategy: Methods and Implementation in Black Sea Basin” with the acronym “ZeroWasteBSB”, the program of the “Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2014-2020” which is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighborhood Instrument (EΝΙ) and from the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.

Last Updated on December 14, 2021 by zero

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