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Ruth Sutton

InCommOn-Innovative Communities Onwards-implements a Zero-Waste project in Thessaloniki, Greece which works towards Zero-Waste through empowering the public to act. Called ‘Kyklos’ (‘Circle’), it is a lab for circularity and community activation through co-design and collective action. Kyklos carries out research and community-building projects, creative, critical-thinking environmental education in schools and community empowerment through a variety of public activities around issues of circularity. Through the principle of working with the community on projects by and for them (rather than imposing top-down information campaigns), Kyklos provides the tools and space for all members of the community to engage in zero-waste activities that are co-designed by and with the community. In this way, habit change towards zero-waste behaviours are more likely to be successful and participants in Kyklos’ activities are empowered to be multipliers of the zero-waste habits in their own social circles.