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We’d like to share our experience of the 6 clean-up field trips which ANTIGONE organized in natural sites in Thessaloniki, Greece, in BSBZeroWaste project.
With the active participation of more than 100 volunteers and the municipalities’ support we have managed to prevent almost 10.000 litres of rubbish to end up in the sea and limit their destructive consequences. Five coastal areas and one area near a urban creek were cleaned up.
The action proved that the active participation of citizens with the local government can have very positive results. The local Municipalities responded in all cases, offering bags and gloves for the litter collection, as well as a vehicle for their transfer in appropriate places, while they contributed with the activity’s publicity as well. We understood that sometimes it is enough to reach out, in order to get some help.
Regarding the people’s participation, there were some regular volunteers with us in almost every field trip. We also collaborated with local environmental NGOs and invited existing volunteers’ groups to the field trips. Travelling outside the city was note very easy, taking into consideration the COVID parametre, and the filed trips in those areas were mostly supported by local groups The clean-up activities in urban coastal and creek areas were attended by more people, while we even had bypassers stopping, asking about the activity and finally taking part in it!
Please share your comments and your own experience as well, we’d love to hear some more tips to carry out successful clean-up activites!