Common borders. Common solutions.
Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine
Research the current situation
Scheduling awareness raising events
Zero Waste best practice guide
Education activities to students and training of people in villages
School field trips to clean the environment from litter
Establishment of Zero Waste Information Centres
ZeroWasteBSB started on 23rd of April 2020 under the partnership of organizations from Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. It is a two-year project funded by the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020. The main aim of the project is to decrease marine pollution due to waste production, especially plastic. The aim will be reached by conducting research on the current situation, sensitizing and informing the society on waste production and the importance of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. The project activities include awareness raising events, preparation of zero waste best practices guide, contacts with relevant stakeholders, purchase of waste collection vehicles by the Leading Partner (LP) and Project partner number (PP4) and containers by LP, partners’ education activities to students, training to people in villages where containers will be placed, school field trips to clean the environment from rubbish.
Interreg Youth Roadshow 2022: The voices of Thessaloniki’s students reached representatives of the European Union
ANTIGONE in ZWBSB Project – Developments in the period of April 2022 – August 2022
New videos on YouTube Channel of ANTIGONE about Zero Waste BSB Project
Cross-border co-operation focuses on waste management and water protection at an international conference organized in Thessaloniki
Final Conference of the project “Zero Waste Strategy: Methods and Implementation in Black Sea Basin”
ANTIGONE in ZWBSB Project – Developments in the period of December 2021 – April 2022
Municipality of Tilos changes the game in waste management
The exhibition “We Have Only One World” in Oikopolis has been completed
Thessaloniki: Thermaikos hid 40 tons of tires – The cleaning left everyone speechless
Information day with local stakeholders – Kirklareli

Kirklareli Special Provincial Administration
ANTIGONE- Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence
Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research of the National Academy of Ukraine
Tsarevo Municipality